
Photo Courtesy Jill Sanders, Jillfoto.com

24-Hour Medical Staffing Services, LLC is universally dedicated to placing much needed caring, compassionate and quality healthcare professionals at clients’ facilities to supplement their medical staffing needs.

24-Hour Medical Staffing Services, LLC is to become a top-of-line provider of healthcare professionals who make a difference in the lives of the people so they can stay healthy, live longer, and continue to be productive members of the community they live in.


Community – Serving the healthcare needs of our communities and all those who work for and with us.
Health – Helping those suffering heal by valuing our own and others physical, mental, and emotional health.
Empathy – Practicing compassion and showing care for all we serve by listening, supporting, and being there for those in need.
Accountability – Taking responsibility for our attitudes, actions, and decisions so we can make a positive difference in the lives of the people around us.
Relationship – Building and growing trust in our relationships by being dependable, understanding, and forgiving.
Teamwork – Combing each of our unique strengths into one unbeatable team to better serve our employees, clients, community, and each other.