Raising Money for a Good Cause

cindy k 24HRMED in the Community, Blog

24-Hour Medical Staffing Services, LLC (24HRMED) helped raised $1,610 during Breast Cancer Awareness Month by participating in various activities to raise money for City of Hope. City of Hope is a world leader in research and treatment for cancer, diabetes, and other life-threatening diseases. One major activity was Pink Fridays. Corporate employees showed their support toward the cause by wearing pink every Friday for the month of October. For every team member who wore pink on Friday, 24HRMED would donate $5 toward City of Hope Walk for Hope. Other activities included “Grab a Snack and Donate!” Our History: This cause is deeply rooted in 24HRMED’s history. In 1997, CEO & President Linda Stone was diagnosed with breast cancer and is now cancer free for 18 years. During her lengthy recuperation, she experienced how nurses play a vital role in a patient’s recovery journey. Thus, she conceived the idea to create a business that provides quality healthcare professionals to help healthcare providers meet the patients’ need. Thank you everyone who supported, donated, and participated in City of Hope Walk for Hope!

Join in the Fight Against Cancer!

cindy k 24HRMED in the Community, Blog

It’s October, which mean it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month! It is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. 24-Hour Medical Staffing Services (24HRMED) challenges you to wear pink every Friday. For every corporate team member who wears pink on Friday, 24HRMED will donate $5 to City of Hope. You can also participate by donating to City of Hope’s Walk for Hope. Help Fundraise for City of Hope’s Walk for Hope Read upcoming information on breast cancer early detection Walk or volunteer for Walk for Hope on Nov. 4 2018 at City of Hope, Duarte CA Tell your friends and family and join us in the fight against cancer! Our history: This cause is deeply rooted in 24-Hour Medical Staffing Services’ history as our founder and CEO Linda Stone is a Breast Cancer Survivor. During her lengthy recuperation, and her personal experience as a breast cancer survivor, she conceived the idea to create a business that focuses on the patient, the healthcare professional, and the hospital. And as a result, she founded 24-Hour Medical Staffing Services in …

24HRMED Raised $1,371 for the Fight Against Breast Cancer!

cindy k 24HRMED in the Community, Blog

For the month of October, 24-Hour Medical Staffing Services (24HRMED) team members wore pink on Fridays to show their support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is an annual campaign to increase awareness for the disease. So, for every team member who wore pink on Fridays, 24HRMED would donate $5 towards the cause. 24HRMED CEO & President Linda Stone is breast cancer survivor who was diagnosed in 1997. She has now been cancer free for 17 years. During lengthy recuperation, and her personal experience as a breast cancer survivor, she conceived the idea to create a business that focuses on the patient and the hospital. As a result, 24-Hour Medical Staffing Services was founded in 2000. Knowing that this cause is deeply rooted in the history of 24HRMED, employees and the community came together to raise a total of $1,371 – all donations were given the City of Hope. City of Hope is a world leader in research and treatment for cancer, diabetes, and other life-threatening diseases. Thank you everyone who supported, donated, and participated …

24HRMED Raised $4,216 for City of Hope

cindy k 24HRMED in the Community, Blog

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and to show our support, 24-Hour Medical Staffing Services (24HRMED) team members wore pink on Fridays. This is an annual campaign to increase awareness for the disease. So, for every team member who wore pink on Fridays, 24HRMED would donate $5 towards the cause. 24HRMED team members were able to raise a total of $4,216. Also, team members participated in City of Hope Walk for Hope on Sunday. All donations were given to City of Hope who is a world leader in research and treatment for cancer, diabetes, and other life-threatening diseases. Thank you everyone who supported, donated, and participated in City of Hope Walk for Hope! Special thanks to Linda (CEO & President) and Darryl Stone (CFO) who contributed $510.