Black Friday Shopping Tips

cindy k Blog, Healthcare, Safety, & Wellness

Thanksgiving is a time to get together with friends & families to enjoy a wonderful feast and express gratitude for what we are thankful for. But after that wonderful meal, it’s time for Black Friday shopping. Black Friday is usually the day after Thanksgiving, but over the past couple of years, Black Friday starts as early as 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. Here is a list of tips to remember before shopping on Black Friday.

Make a shopping list ahead of time. Prepare a list of items that you plan on purchasing. You can also visit the store you plan to go to ahead of time. By visiting beforehand, you can take notes on which aisle the item is located at. Thus when shopping on Black Friday, you will be able to grab your item quickly and check-out before the lines gets longer.

Do not buy more than what you can carry. If you plan to buy a lot, bring a friend or family member.

Walking to and from your car. Make sure you are aware of your surroundings and have your keys ready before getting to your car. Try to go with a few friends and family instead of going alone. If you plan to go back and shop for more products, do not leave your purchases visible in your car. Leave them in your trunk.

Be polite. Many shoppers, including yourself, can be grumpy from waiting long hours to get into the store. It’s best to just keep to yourself instead of letting your emotions get the best of you. Let others around you in the aisle, wait patiently to check out and let people pass through the line if they are still shopping. Also, be nice to employees because they were probably up as early as you were.

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24HRMED Raised $4,216 for City of Hope

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and to show our support, 24-Hour Medical Staffing Services (24HRMED) team members wore pink on Fridays. This is an annual campaign to increase awareness for the disease. So, for every team member who wore pink on Fridays, 24HRMED would donate $5 towards the cause. 24HRMED team members were able to raise a total of $4,216. Also, team members participated in City of Hope Walk for Hope on Sunday.

City of Hope 2016 - Pink Friday

All donations were given to City of Hope who is a world leader in research and treatment for cancer, diabetes, and other life-threatening diseases. Thank you everyone who supported, donated, and participated in City of Hope Walk for Hope! Special thanks to Linda (CEO & President) and Darryl Stone (CFO) who contributed $510.

City of Hope 2016

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Three Tips to Reduce Stress at Work

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What is stress? “Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you feel threatened, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, which rouse the body for emergency action.” Also, stress can lead to a wide range of illnesses such as heart disease, asthma, obesity, diabetes, headaches, depression, and many more.

To combat stress, here are three tips to improve your health and well-being at work.

Move Frequently

If you’re sitting for a long period, get up and take a short walk during break. According to, walking reduces stress hormones and mild depression.

Drink Herbal Tea

In fact, herbal tea have been used for centuries as natural remedies. Due to its medicinal properties, it’s good for your health and can calm the nerves. Rather than drinking coffee to boost your energy for the rest of the day, drinking Teas such as Mint, Chamomile, Ginseng, Skullcap, Lavender, Lemon Verbena, etc. helps bring the stress hormones back to normal levels. Ingesting high levels of caffeine, such as coffee, causes your mood to soar and plummet, which can leave you feeling more stressed.

Breathe Deeply

If you’re feeling stress from work, take a couple of minutes and focus on your breathing. By taking deep breaths, it helps you relax and clear your mind. “Deep breathing counters the effects of stress by slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure,” psychologist Judith Tutin, PhD, says. As a result, inhaling more oxygen will also reduce shortness of breath and anxiety.

If you need more information about managing stress, here is a great guide to understanding and eliminating stress from your life.

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24 Hour HR Process Outsourcing, Inc. Visits our Diamond Bar Office!

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On October 28, 2016, 24 Hour Medical Staffing Services welcomed President Mario Enriquez and Manager of System Development Vyron Ang of 24-Hour HR Process Outsourcing, Inc.

Processed with MOLDIV

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24-Hour Medical Staffing Services 16th Anniversary and Tiger Team Graduation

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Last week, 24-Hour Medical Staffing Services celebrated their 16th anniversary. Employees showed their company pride by coming into work wearing green. When employees walked into the office, they were greeted by a happy birthday sign and balloons decorated in front of the conference room.

That same week, we continued our celebration with another COSi Tiger Team Graduation. Team R&D and Team Money were awarded with certificates for their completion of phase 1. After the awards, 24-Hour Medical’s chief financial officer, Darryl Stone, blew out the candles of our 16th Anniversary cake.

Here is what some of our employees have to say about 24-Hour Medical Staffing Services:

“24-hrmed is great because of the people that you get work with. They are team oriented, happy to assist, and never put you down for a mistake. The environment is relaxing but aggressive, and if you need any supplies or if you have any questions you have only to ask.” – Logan F. Staffing Specialist

“I like 24-Hour Medical Staffing Services’ open door policy. Your manager is always open to hear your concerns. There are not many companies where you can walk into your CEO’s or CFO’s office to talk about anything, and at 24-hrmed you can.” – Erica Z., Human Resources Lead

“I like working at 24-hrmed because everyone is friendly and helpful. They make me feel comfortable, and encourages me to ask questions. I love that we have an open-door policy and we can always go to anyone, even management for help.” – Wendy K., Compliance Associate

“I love working with 24-hrmed staffing because we have a very pleasant working environment. You can just walk to anyone to ask for help, or just for anything. Everyone in this company made me feel that I belonged.”  – Jay J., Compliance Associate

“Its only my third day as an intern but I really like how friendly and helpful the staff is. The environment of the company is very welcoming.” – Ayleen, H. Staffing Specialist Intern.

“What I like about 24-Hour Medical Staffing Services is that everyone is friendly and always willing to help each other out. This company defines the values of team leadership. I also like the company’s culture, people know how to get work done and be serious when needed to, while also being able to joke around and have fun.” – Kaylie D., Staffing Specialist Intern.

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Fall Health Tips

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September 22 is the first day of Fall, which means descending leaves, corn mazes, hay rides, and delicious pumpkin pie. But with the cold winter air approaching, it is also a time to fall into health care habits to prevent yourself from getting ill and stay healthy. Here are some health tips and essentials for the fall.

Get Your Flu Shot

September is the start of flu season, and it is best to get vaccinated each year to prevent the flu. Some symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, stuffy nose, and nausea. Remember to always cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.

Carry Travel Tissues

Travel tissues are handy when you’re out of the house especially if you or a friend needs to blow their nose. Coughing and sneezing into tissues are ways to help prevent illness from spreading to others.

Hand Sanitizers

Keeping hand sanitizers in your bag or purse is handy when traveling, especially when you don’t have access to soap and water. Having clean hands will reduce germs from spreading.

Cough Drops and Cold Relief Medications

Remember, there are times where you can’t avoid illness, so having health care items readily available in your home when you do get sick will save you time from leaving your house to go purchase these items.

Drink Herbal Tea

Herbal tea can help relieve illness symptoms such as a cold or fever. If you have a fever, try chrysanthemum tea. It acts as a natural coolant to help lower your body temperature when you have a fever.

Drink water

When dehydrated you have a higher chance of getting the flu or cold, it’s best to drink a lot of water and stay hydrated.

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24HRMED Winter 2015 Newsletter

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The seasons are changing. The days grow shorter, and the holiday season is now upon us. It’s the happiest season of all, and the spirit of giving abounds. We see it in Salvation Army volunteers ringing their bells on cold December nights. This spirit grows and multiplies as numerous individuals and organizations join together to help those in need. As this year comes to an end, I reflect on all we can be thankful for. At 24-Hour Medical Staffing Services (24-HRMED), we are thankful and grateful for ou clients who sustain and motivate us.

Click here to read Newsletter Volume 3 Issue 1

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testimonial 1

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“24-Hour Medical Staffing Services is one of the best Registry/Travel Agencies a nurse could find. It does not really matter whether you are a new nurse, have years of experience, or numerous credentials under your belt; the company will place and find you jobs based on your current skill set. I have been an employee of this company for nearly three years, and I could say that I slowly built my career through their job placement. I started as a Registry Nurse in Acute Rehab and Med-Surg. Before I knew it, I got the experience and credentials to work in a Telemetry Unit. Today, I am an ICU Step Down nurse doing my fifth Travel Assignment/Contract here in Southern California. I know there are a lot of Travel Nursing Agencies out there, but the one thing that keeps me working with 24-HR Medical Staffing Services is “Peace of Mind.” I work with a highly efficient Travel Staffing Professional who is always on top of things. She gives me options like I am “shopping” for a job instead of applying for one! She gets me job contracts a month before my current contract ends! I have never been out of a job/contract unless I needed a break. Most importantly, whatever benefits you get working as a regular staff professional in a hospital/facility, you can also get it here… and more… As for me, I guess it is the fun, adventure, and peace of mind that keeps me here.” Maria C, RN

Hospital Medicare Payments tied to Quality and Patient Satisfaction

admin Blog, Healthcare, Safety, & Wellness

Medicare has two payment incentive programs for hospitals. Value Based Purchasing gives bonuses and penalties to hospitals based on clinical process factors (45% weight), patient experience/satisfaction (30% weight), and outcomes (25%).  Another program penalizes hospitals when the number of patients readmitted within a month are excessive. Both programs are in their second year. Hospitals could gain up to 1.25 percent in payments or lose as much as 3.25 percent from the two programs combined.

To assess patient care and satisfaction, a survey called the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) is used.  The survey is administered to a sample of adult patients between 48 hours and six weeks after discharge.  All short-term, acute care, and non-specialty hospitals are invited to participate in the HCAHPS Survey. Over 4,000 hospitals participate in HCAHPS. The goal is to get at least 300 completed patient surveys from each hospital each year.

Patient Experience encompasses eight important aspects of hospital quality:

1. Communication with Nurses
2. Communication with Doctors
3. Responsiveness of Hospital Staff
4. Pain Management
5. Cleanliness and Quietness of Hospital Environment
6. Communication about Medicines
7. Discharge Information
8. Overall Rating of Hospital

The first four questions of the survey target care given to the patient by the nurses. The questions address courtesy/respect given to the patient, nurse listening skills, nurse explanations, and nurse responsiveness. For maximum scores, nurses should keep these factors in mind and practice so their communications and actions are aligned with a positive patient experience.  With focus and practice, positive nurse behavior becomes second nature. Hospitals want and need staff members that provide excellent Customer Service at all times. Their reputation and the level of reimbursements from Medicare are tied to patient satisfaction. Keep all these factors in mind so we continue to be  rated highly on a consistent basis by the hospitals and patients we serve.  We want to be known for doing things the 24 Hour Way, which reflects all key points in this article.

Sources for article above:

(1) Rau, Jordan. “KHN: Kaiser Health News.” Nearly 1,500 Hospitals Penalized Under Medicare Program Rating Quality. N.p., 14 Nov. 2013. Web. 21 July 2014 . (2) “Survey of Patients’ Experiences.” Hospital Patients’ Survey Data. Medicare, n.d. Web 21 July 2014.

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Florence Nightingale was a famous nurse and icon who was also known as the “Lady with the Lamp.” She was given this name by British soldiers she treated in the Crimean War in their fight against Russia for control of the Ottoman Empire.  Florence was asked by the British Secretary of State in 1854 to organize a corps of nurses to tend to the sick and fallen soldiers.  Florence assembled a team of 34 nurses and sailed with them to Crimea where she found injured soldiers in horrid conditions in the British base hospital.  The hospital sat on top of a large cesspool which contaminated the water and the hospital building.  Nightingale quickly went to work.  She procured hundreds of scrub brushes and got the least infirm patients to help clean the hospital floor to ceiling.  Nightingale spent nearly every waking minute caring for soldiers.  In the evenings, she moved through her rounds in the dark hallways carrying a lamp.  Her work reduced the hospital’s death rate by two-thirds.

The soldiers under her care were both moved and comforted by her tireless care and compassion.  Florence was born in Italy to an affluent British family. Rather than live a life of high society, she felt a calling to help others.  From a young age, she actively ministered to the ill and poor people in a village near her family’s estate.  At 16 years old, it became clear to her that nursing was her calling.  As a nurse, Nightingale vastly improved sanitary conditions at Middlesex hospital in London where she worked and established a number of innovations that improved patient comfort. She helped save the lives of many British soldiers at Crimea.

From her experience there, she wrote Notes on Matters Affecting the Health, Efficiency, and Hospital Administration of the British Army, an 830 page report.  The British Government responded with changes that reflected Nightingale’s recommendations.  She continued to write, consult, and advocate for health care reform throughout her life.  She was conferred the merit of honor by King Edward.  In 1910, at age 90, she passed away at her home in London. More than 2,000 artifacts commemorating her life and career are housed in the Florence Nightingale Museum.

Excerpts for the above article from

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